I changed the direction for this blog, from Nusaputra as a general to more specific product, a new homestay in Nusaputra. This is an independent blog, with nothing to do with other parties. The purpose is to serve the information; promote Bandar Nusaputra to all people who are interested to stay in Cyberjaya and Puchong area. Any negative comments will not be entertained. The latest information from all the readers are most welcome. Thank you.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
New Launch !! - Grande

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Community Message: Signal Please!
So, please guys... give your signal when you enter the junction. It only takes a little effort & encouragement to do. Trust me; it's not going to break your finger!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Amber 3 (?) in Progress...
This is the last row for super link house in Precinct 2 - Amber 3 (?) in progress... and in fact is almost reaching 70%!
1) Topping off for superstructure - done!
2) Roof - in progress
3) Plastering - in progress
Talking about the size, really ideal for a family - 22 x 80! And I bet End Lot & Corner Lot will become super duper hot cake! Get ready with your cash & my best guess is it will launch somewhere by early next year...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
New Rule To Cool Property Speculation
Extract from Business Times (04/11/10)
Bank Negara Malaysia has put in place a rule that allows banks to lend only up to 70 per cent of the house value.
The new mortgage lending rule, which applies only to borrowers taking up a third housing loan, is meant to curb excessive investment and speculative activity in urban areas.
"While Malaysia is not experiencing a general property price bubble, targeted pre-emptive measures are appropriate to moderate the increases in property prices that are evident in select locations, arising from purchases that are speculative in nature.
"This measure is expected to moderate excessive investment and speculative activity in the residential property market and to ensure affordability of homes for genuine house buyers," Bank Negara governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz said in her keynote address at the Financial Industry Conference in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
She gave the assurance that financing facilities for the purchase of first and second homes would not be affected and that borrowers would still be able to obtain financing for these at the current loan-to-value ratio (LVR) applied by individual banks, based on their internal credit policies.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Schools Around Nusaputra

1) SK Taman Putra Perdana - Primary School

2) SMK Taman Putra Perdana - Secondary School
3) SK Taman Putra Perdana 2 - Primary School
Officially will open by 2011

School at Cyberjaya

SK Cyberjaya

SMK Cyberjaya
Monday, September 20, 2010
New Housing Development In Cyberjaya
Talking about ideal properties, priority has always been given to some criteria like location, price, developer, etc. The same goes for Cyberjaya & its surroundings, dedicated KL-Putrajaya Hiway (MEX) gave a big impact on properties here. Lots of luxury projects have already taken shape namely Garden Residence (Mah Sing), Symphony Hills (UEM), Summerglades, etc. Ironically, this new highway feeds more benefits to suburb areas namely Selangor Science Park 2, Bandar Nusaputra, Amanputra, Taman Putra Perdana, etc. due to its closer location to the highway.
Nevertheless, you can enjoy Cyberjaya privilege & facilities at a reasonable price if you choose to stay in Bandar Nusaputra! Your call.....
Bandar Nusaputra is only 4km from KL-Putrajaya Highway... impressive!!TM UniFi at Bandar Nusaputra

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Temporary Access Via New Cloverleaf Interchange
Monday, September 13, 2010
Result From the Previous Pool
Monday, May 10, 2010
News & Update
Credit to : http://putraperdana.com/category/clover-leaf-to-cyberjaya/
Menurut Pegawai dari Jab. Kejuruteraan , MPSepang faktor utama yang menghalang pembukaan interchange ini secara rasmi ialah kerana ketiadaan Traffic Light yang sepatutnya di pasang di simpang 4 antara Putra Perdana,Amanputra, Nusaputra dan jalan ke Interchange tersebut dan ini merupakan aspek keselamatan yang kritikal untuk mengelakkan kemalangan.
Menurutnya apabila interchange tersebut dibuka secara rasmi dan diumumkan kpd orang awam, maka akan terdapat kemungkinan arus traffik yang tinggi termasuk dari kenderaan dari kawasan luar yang akan menggunakan jalan pintas melalui interchange ini untuk ke highway atau Cyberjaya dan destinasi lain kerana ia juga akan memberikan penjimatan bayaran Tol . Dan ini akan menyebabkan keberkesanan lalulintas menjadi sangat kritikal di simpang 4 tersebut.

Pembinaan traffic light ini adalah tanggungjawab pemaju-pemaju kawasan ini. Menurut beliau pihak pemaju harus menghantar design Trafic light tersebut beserta kajian keperluan lalulintas traffik kepada MPSepang untuk kelulusan kerana jalan tersebut adalah dalam reserve pihak MPSepang. Pada pengetahuan beliau setakat ini pemaju2 tersebut masih lagi dalam proses menyiapkan design yang diperlukan. Memandangkan keseluruhan proses hingga terbinanya traffic light tersebut akan mengambil masa , maka agak sukar untuk melihat Interchange tersebut dibuka secara rasmi pada tahun ini. Namun disebabkan perkara ini telah sampai ke peringkat kerajaan negeri, beliau mendapat tahu MB Selangor sendiri menyusulkan agar Interchange ini dibuka untuk kemudahan orang ramai dan besar kemungkinan ia akan dibuka pada bulan 11 tahun ini.
Garden Residence @ Cyberjaya & Nusaputra

August 2010 Ramadhan Stimulus Package:
- Pasar Ramadhan (Param) @ Taman Putra Perdana. Estimated 60-80 stalls over there with various delicious foods! Nyum...nyum...

- Point A refer to Masjid Putra Perdana while point B refer to Surau Amanputra. Both performs 8 rakaat Tarawih.
July 2010 :
- New launch of Amber at Precint 2! Minimum price from RM440k. Unfortunately there is no available units for End Lot & Corner Lot units. Nusaputra is a hotcake now!

June 2010 :
- Remaining stretch is complete with ACWC & road line! However the access still close, pending on approval from relevant authorities.

- Road premix for remaining stretch from Nusaputra to new dedicated cloverleaf interchange is in progress again! Thanks to Taraf Unggul for their action.
Sub-grade ready to receive ACBC.
Heading to Cyberjaya/Putrajaya, will take only 5 minutes & 4km before you reach MEX (KL-Putrajaya Hiway). Lori Hantu also in action.
Contractor is struggling to finish their job (taken on Sunday).
Street lighting yet to install.
2. Additional safety measure from Taraf Unggul - free solid brickwall up to 6' high! Thanks so much!
Original fencing height to purchaser

Additional height up to 6' to ensure safety in Nusaputra compound.
May 2010 :
- New Phase of Gemilang II in progress! Credit to : http://pakyem.blogspot.com/
April 2010 :
- FTTH (Fibre Optic To The Home)
- Launching of Sutera Semi-D!

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Environment & Surrounding
RM35.71/night Only for 14 pax 🛏 During weekday with A4 package RM500/night for 14 pax, it's only cost you RM35.71/pax per night! What ...

If you having difficulty generating your PIN number, looking for more detailed information about e-filing or you want to submit manually the...
The system is up and ready to run at Precinct 1! Please subscribe now before the promo will ended by 1 October 2010. For more info, please r...
I've received this from our neighbor in Nusaputra. For those who are looking for "budget catering services, you may be interested t...